Anna Netrebko - Souvenirs
림스키코르사코프 가곡 : "장미와 나이팅게일"
Plenivsis' rozoy, solovey op. 2 No. 2
Captivated by the Rose (The Nightingale), Op.2, No.2
[Plenivshis rozoï soloveï] -
orchestrated by Andreas N. Tarkmann
Composer: Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
with Anna Netrebko, Soprano
Label: Deutsche Grammophon
"Plenivshis' rozoj, solovej'
Language: RUSSIAN
Plenivshis' rozoj, solovej
I den', i noch' pojot nad nej,
No roza molcha pesnjam vnemlet...
[ Nevinnyj son jejo ob"jemlet... ]1
Na lire tak pevec inoj
Pojot dlja devy molodoj;
[ on strast'ju plamennoj sgorajet,]1
A deva milaja ne znajet,
[ Komu pojot i otchego ]2
Pechal'ny pesni tak jego?
1 omitted by Rimsky-Korsakov.
2 Glazunov: "Komu pojot on? Otchego"
by Aleksey Vasil'yevich Kol'tsov (1808-1842) , "Solovej"
by Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908) ,
"Vostochnyj romans", op. 2
(Chetyre romansa) no. 2 (1866).
The nightingale and the rose
Language: ENGLISH
The Nightingale in fervent song
Doth woo the rose the whole night long,
But to his lay no ear she lendeth,
Her head in innocence she bendeth.
Thus oft the lover sings a strain,
To his guitar, of grief and pain,
With glowing love he hopeth, feareth,
But even if the maiden heareth,
She doth not know of whom he sings,
Or why his song so sadly rings.
Note: from a Rubinstein score.
It is unclear which of the two translators
listed on the front page wrote this particular translation.
singable translation possibly
by Constance Bache (1846-1903)
singable translation possibly
by William Stigand, né Stigant (1825-1915)
Based on
a text in Russian
by Aleksey Vasil'yevich Kol'tsov (1808-1842) ,
2011/08/29/ 여울목