gauranga karuna koro, dina hina jane
mo-shamo patita prabhu, nahi tri-bhuvane
dante trina dhori gaura, daki he tomar
krpa kori eso amar, hrdoya mandire
jadi doya na koribe, patita dekhiya
patita pavana nama, kisera lagiya
podechi bhava tuphane, nahika nistar
sri charana tarani dane, dase koro par
sri charana tarani dane, dase koro par
sri krisna chaitanya prabhu, daser anudas
prarthana koraye shada, narottam das
prarthana koraye shada, narottam das
hare krisna hare krisna, krisna krisna hare,
hare rama, hare rama, rama rama hare
×1 |
My dear Lord Gauranga,
please show Your mercy to this miserable
and destitute soul.
Oh Lord, there is no one more fallen
than my self in all the three worlds(♣).
I am calling out to You now.
Please be compassionate and reside within
the temple pf my heart.
If You do not show Your mercy, then why are
You known as Patita pavana (the merciful
savior of the fallen)?
I am plunged amidst the hurricane-stricken
waves in the ocean of this material world(♣),
from which there is no escape.
Kindly give me the gift of Your divine lotus
feet which are compared to a boat in which
Your servant may cross over the ocean of
birth and death.
Narottama Das, the servant of the servant of
Sri Krisna Chaitanya Prabhu ceaselessy offers
this prayer.
♣ The Three World
시크교(Sikism)에서 말하는 삼계(三界).
눈에 보이고 손으로 만져지고 현상적인 물질계
(物質界 Material World), 물질(형이하학)과 정신
(형이상학)의 중간적 성격을 지닌 기(氣)━프라나
(Prana)━로 돌아가는 아스트랄계(Astral World),
이 두 세계를 모두 주관하고 움직이고 있는 구성
성분인 까르마(Karma 業)로 돌아가는 까르마-계
(Krama World), 이렇게 세 가지의 세계를 말함. |